Liberty AR-15 Mag Holder Attachment Kit for sale is the perfect solution for securely mounting an AR-15 Mag Holder to the outside of a gun safe. This attachment kit is designed to provide a reliable and efficient way to enhance storage accessibility, utilizing 8 high-strength 3M squares for a sturdy and durable mount.
The attachment kit is ideal for firearm enthusiasts looking to maximize storage options while keeping magazines easily accessible. Buy Liberty AR-15 Mag Holder Attachment Kit at a great price from The Safe Keeper safe and vault store and optimize gun safe organization with confidence and convenience.
Installation Instructions:
- Peel off the adhesive film from one side of a square and place it near the corner of the mag holder, ensuring no holes are covered.
- Attach one square to each corner, pressing each firmly for 30 seconds.
- Use a dry cloth to clean the area on the safe where the mag holder will be installed.
- Remove the adhesive film from all four corners and securely press the mag holder onto the safe.
- Apply firm pressure to each corner for 30 seconds.
- Allow 72 hours to pass before loading the holder with magazines.
P/N 18688
NOTE: Factory-installed accessories and options are subject to specification changes/upgrades without notification.