Biometric Gun Safes: What You Need to Know

Lock is an important attribute of any gun safe. And it matters not only because of security but also convenience, accessibility and longevity. Basically, there are three main types of gun safes: mechanical, electronic and biometric gun safes.

Below we are going to discuss main features of the newest and the most technologically advanced types of biometric locks.

Biometric Gun Safes: What You Need to Know

What is a Biometric Gun Safe?

A biometric gun safe has a special access system that operates by scanning unique biological data. It is stored on a small computer attached to the lock. Biometric lock opens when it reads biometric input which matches the individual biology of a safe owner.

Types of Biometric Locks

Gun safes with fingerprint access are the most common type of biometric safes. Facial recognition and retinal scan gun safe locks are very rare and mostly only exist in movies as of today. Currently, Securam is the leader in high security biometric safe locks. They offer a wide variety of biometric gun safe locks. Starting with a ScanLogic Basic biometric lock that offers an RF fingerprint sensor and is ideal for a home safe, gun safe or light commercial applications. And all the way to the top of the line - ScanLogic Smart lock that can be managed and controlled from your smartphone using Securam Guard App.

Variations & Size

Considering size, dimensions and design of a biometric safe, we need to admit that there are a lot of variations in this regard. Small biometric handgun safes are among the most popular models. Being designed to store one or several pistols, they are compact and can be installed anywhere.You can also find a biometric safe box available at our store. Such a device is small and lightweight so that it can be easily transported. The type of storage is good for trips, as a car safe, hotel safe, etc.

Large biometric long gun safes are also among bestselling. They can be used for a vast collection of long rifles as well as shotguns. This type of storage is, as a rule, made of strong steel and comes with a high level of security and other important features.

Battery Life & Power Backup

One of the most important factors to consider when choosing a biometric gun safe is its power source. Unlike mechanical locks, biometric safes rely on batteries or external power, meaning a dead battery could lock you out at a critical moment.

High-quality biometric safes typically use long-lasting lithium-ion or alkaline batteries, providing months—or even years—of operation. Some models feature a low-battery indicator or an external power input to prevent lockouts. Additionally, the best biometric safes come with backup entry methods, such as a physical key or an electronic keypad, ensuring access even if the biometric system fails.

To maintain optimal performance, it’s recommended to:

  • Check battery levels periodically and replace them as needed.
  • Keep a backup power source, such as an external USB or AC adapter, if supported.
  • Store emergency keys in a separate, secure location for peace of mind.

By choosing a biometric gun safe with reliable power management and backup entry options, you can ensure both security and accessibility when you need it most.

The Benefits of Biometric Gun Safes

Here we are with the main question, what are the benefits of biometric gun safes over the others?

First and foremost, biometric fingerprint locks are designed for a fast, immediate access by simply placing your finger on the scanner. There is no need to look for a key, or try to recall the combination to open the safe. And in a stressful situation, even a basic electronic lock can put you in lockout after 3 wrong attempts of entering the code. While a biometric lock will give you access into your safe immediately, even in the most tense situations.

Moreover, modern models of biometric gun safes also enable multi user access, which will allow for additional family members or coworkers to have temporary access to the contents of your safe.

The Disadvantages of Biometric Gun Safes

However, Biometric Safe Locks can also cause some issues.

First of all, not all biometric safes are built equal. Some of them may contain a poor quality lock or scanner. It may cause false scan or non scan issues. Which means that the lock may open with an unauthorized fingerprint. Or in some cases that if the owner`s hand is dirty or wet biometric fingerprint safe will fail to recognize the fingerprint. For this reason, if you decide to upgrade your safe with a biometric lock, we recommend spending a little more on a good quality one, to ensure that above issues do not arise.

Definitely, top quality biometric safes as well as any other technologically advanced devices cannot be cheap, so be ready that this type of safe may cost you more money. Still your investment will certainly pay you off.

Summing It Up

Even though biometric gun safes have some minor drawbacks, their benefits outweigh the negatives.

Safes with biometric locks are for sure at the cutting-edge of the safe industry. They offer excellent security and convenience, immediate access and the James Bond feeling every time you open your safe. When choosing to get a safe equipped with a biometric lock for your guns and valuables, It is important not to go with the cheap option. But rather to get a wood quality biometric locking system with many security features that will guarantee a quick access every time.

If you would like to learn more about biometric gun safes, contact us online or visit The Safe Keeper gun safe store in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Written by

Kirillo Byelin
General Manager at The Safe Keeper Las Vegas
Security Safe Expert
Kirillo Byelin